Well.. there i was... galloping from one side of the varsity car park to the other, as i eventually became saturated in the downfalls of todays rain. That was just not on. My run started as a canter and gradually unfolded to become more of a stroll as e clutched the files under my arms. Having given up hope on saving my strategically straightened hair, i waved the cars go by as they raced past, making sure every puddle was eliminated as the tyres approached it, resulting in excess water spraying every inch of my body. Thanks for that. Considering today was a clinic day, and one in which we had to dress 'professionally' i ended up at the school (where the clinic was run), looking like a German Shepherd having gone through a washing machine over and over again.
So my manic run, ended up to be more of a stroll through the rain, as i lost all sense of hope, dragging my bag through the puddles, formed by the cracks on the roads.
I slumped in my car,squeezing the water from my clothes, as it peeled off my skin. I even turned the ignition on to dry my hair under the fan, thinking it would at least make my hair look a little more presentable. Man, was i wrong.
Anyway, as the clinic came to an end, it was required that all of us return to the university where lectures would proceed. Lauren and i had an alternative idea as we hopped in the car and proceeded on the road leading us back to Kloof, where i eventually crashed on my bed and ennded up sleeping for like 2hours in the downpour. Onnce i had woken up, i felt a little bad about missin the lectures but eventually got way way over it.
I then had to roll outt bed and get ready for work, as the sun was already settling in the distance. Work ended off rather mellow.
moving on.. i've come to the conclusion that im doing my hair again. My options are to become a potential blonde, by introducing subtle highlights, resulting in a possible overall subtle, not-too-striking blonde. My other option was my usual.. dark. this however often made me look a little goth but i did however use to get compliments. At the moment im swaying a little more to the blonde cause i havent had blonnde in a while. To create a more 'accurate' picture in your head, these will be the end results:

So my manic run, ended up to be more of a stroll through the rain, as i lost all sense of hope, dragging my bag through the puddles, formed by the cracks on the roads.
I slumped in my car,squeezing the water from my clothes, as it peeled off my skin. I even turned the ignition on to dry my hair under the fan, thinking it would at least make my hair look a little more presentable. Man, was i wrong.
Anyway, as the clinic came to an end, it was required that all of us return to the university where lectures would proceed. Lauren and i had an alternative idea as we hopped in the car and proceeded on the road leading us back to Kloof, where i eventually crashed on my bed and ennded up sleeping for like 2hours in the downpour. Onnce i had woken up, i felt a little bad about missin the lectures but eventually got way way over it.
I then had to roll outt bed and get ready for work, as the sun was already settling in the distance. Work ended off rather mellow.
moving on.. i've come to the conclusion that im doing my hair again. My options are to become a potential blonde, by introducing subtle highlights, resulting in a possible overall subtle, not-too-striking blonde. My other option was my usual.. dark. this however often made me look a little goth but i did however use to get compliments. At the moment im swaying a little more to the blonde cause i havent had blonnde in a while. To create a more 'accurate' picture in your head, these will be the end results:

And this is what i'l look like if i go darker:)
ok so that part was a joke but seriously you people, i need some suggestions mkay! Would be greatly appreciated!
Besides all that thinkinng and copyin and pastin.. it's time for me to go to bed.. got no varsity tomo which feels really goood:)
ok so that part was a joke but seriously you people, i need some suggestions mkay! Would be greatly appreciated!
Besides all that thinkinng and copyin and pastin.. it's time for me to go to bed.. got no varsity tomo which feels really goood:)
You should mix it up and see what happens a little bit of blonde never hurt anyone.
Sexy Sexy Sexy Claire
hey claire o.m.g i was with roxi on wednesday!! best night of my life shes amazing i wish she could just look past (ryan) iwould love to make her mine newayz mwah mwah invite me on mxit 0836013699 daniel (corsa) splashy joubert
i Dont care who reads this i want roxi shes amazing and im gona try my hardest to get with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whats up daniel, how you man? Had awesome times at splashy. Dude, how can you do that to Paula man. You know i dont expect you to stay with one girl, but dont fuck around a week later. Thats just wrong dude, and for those who have been through it ,it really hurts. Paula is like a sis to me.
Your a good guy and and I was hoping to check you guys more, thats why Im asking you not to do this shit now. Your hurting people man!
Trust me
Hope to see you guys soon
Yo Mark nice 2 hear 4rm u my man.
ja 4 sure splashy was off the hook man we all have to hook up sumwere 4 some beers.but dude as far as the paula thing goes id prefer not to talk about it at the moment
4 sure my man
hi allbodies today im rather tired had a late sunday night due to the lovely company of someone but appon their departure we had a small disagreement and i couldnt sleep thinking about what X had said so i still havnt slept thaks guys mwah till next time!!!
2 Rox
I would give all I have to have you with me,
To see tomorrow with you,
To touch and hold the one thing dear to me,
I would climb the highest mountains,
I would swim the widest oceans,
Closed my eyes and be blinded by your love,
Trusting in you to lead my way,
I would give all I had for you,
To love you and be loved in return,
To adore you, and be adored in return,
I would give my all to be with you,
To make the memories of yesterday forever,
To see me and you in the future.
Come whatever,
I would give all I have for you,
Lay down my life for you,
To sacrifice my soul for your pardon,
I would give all I have for you,
Be it to travel to the ends of the earth,
To catch the falling stars out of the skies above,
I would give all,
To hear you say the words I so needed to hear,
The word that would heal my broken heart,
The words that means all the world to me,
To hear you say "I love You",
And look into your eyes knowing you meant it,
For I would give all I have in life for you,
For you gave me all I have in life,
And without you, I have nothing.
From She knows
Hi Kle How u splashy was a lot of fun with all of u thanks.
Hi Daniel hope u happy with roxi, thank 4 messing my sis around ur a real dick cant belive u doing this, it men like u that give guys like us a bad name shot..
Hi dan Look bro its noy like that at all! my life at the moment is not all pretty roses im going through a very rough time in a number of diferent subjects!im Sorry that you think im a dick but.........well i dunno i didnt mean to mess your sister around but ive spoken to her and told her that the stuff im going through i dnt wanna put her through because of the fact that shes a gud gal.
its not really guys like me that give us a bad name becauase the very last thing i am is a player!!!
i did not wanna hurt ur sis i promise and i apoligise deeply i really like all you guys your all kewl and who knows we might have a gud time again sumday but 4 now im sorry......... and i gota go thanks!
yours truthfully
Well daniel if you going thru such a rough time then why would you wanna put roxy thru that? just a warning to you all that he isnt the great guy that he comes across as, and i seriously pray to God that you see the light sooner than what other people did. Daniel do you honestly think that the person hurting here wasnt gonna see it on the internet, gosh you just so low. You told her you loved her and then broke up with her a week later so only a huge good luck to roxy cos you'll def need it.
Everyone warned her about you but she trusted u so much and all you did was hurt her... but she deserves so much better than you and i just hope you happy with roxy or shavon or whoever else i heard you were with because what goes around comes around and i hope when it does it hits you hard!
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