Okay guys, so here we are again, bringing forth the good ol memories of good ol splashy... well.. not that they were really remembeed i guess but hence the reason we take photos right?
Well here is goood ol Dan and Nina.. ok.. Nina looks reasonable but i think Dan is.. lets just say, struggling a little. I think all he sees is that funnel in his dreams!
This was actually the Sunday i think. It was a rather mellow day as you can probably tell right.
Most peoople started departing the vibe and leaving the core of corruption, whilst the rest of us just parked, chilled and hummed to the mellow tunes of 'Zombie' (thanks to Roxy)
May i just add a little summin here on this space?...... Sheepdown... i want your babies! and some other band but can you believe i actually forgot their name.. wait for it...no.. But ill unravel the events of splashy in my head and im sure it'l pop up somewhere. I think it's called City Bowel Mizers... oh my word.. i think that was it! It must be love
I dunnno who looks more sober.. Kyle or Nina
Anyway.. this was at the top.. again.. in the Burn tent.
Haha... this was the Hippie tent. Funny enough.. they actually got raided:) Moo haha:)
And there we were again.. back at the campsite. Everyone stoked for life. Clearly you can see it was coming closer to leaving the good ol joint.
Moo haha .. there's a corsa in the backround!
That was a personal joke for all those withinn the vicinity of our camp site.
Dan and i...ya.. he was outta bounds for that evening, hence the tape.
Kyle... i dunno if that's so cool though
Moo haha. i stole Dan's camera:)
Rememeber i mentioned the funnel Dan was seeing in his dreams? That's it. i think everything and anything went in there from Vodka to potency to tequila to Brandy and even custard...aaargh.. somebody had to ruin it! I think you may even see the custrd curdling if you zoom in;)
My bro looking a little domesticated by cooking a little combination of scrambled eggs, bacon and bully beef..aaargh!
So that's the second version and hopefuly there'l be a third version somewhere?
ok... feel free to leave... comments:)
Hey Claire beautiful pictures... Can I just say to all the people that leave comments on Claires blog that you guys should first of all think of what you say and who it might hurt because the whole damn world can read these comments. 2nd of all this is Claires blog page and the things that should be said here are things to Claire... Ya'll shouldn't be having your private barneys here... U guys are so impersonal... you should keep shit like that between ythe people involved in the issue... As for this issue, the kind of people that are getting hurt are the people ya'll would never expect... such as I
im sorry you feel that way but this unfortunitly is the onlt way and means of communication between the peolpe involved in the issue!
and i know exactly who this is and im sorry hes doing this to you but like he said @ the moment hes not in a good way!!
Cool pics claire, and say whatever you want to,
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