Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm not a bad person. Am i?

Hey all!

Well let me just start off by apologizing about the delay in my blog. The weekend just came and went and my head has just been spinning! At this moment in time, im sitting in front of my laptop with numerous thoughts and concerns gnawing away at every inch of my mind and body.
Ok, that was a litttle extreme but lets just say i gotta lot on my mind. never fear though. I'l begin this post by firstly unfolding my weekend for you.

As i scrolled through the messages on my phone, one popped up before my eyes, informing me that Friday's lectures were moved and there was no reason to go in to varsity. This was a relief, however meant little to me as i still woke up the usual time. Moving along.

After having worked friday night too, i received a phonecall from Lauren requesting that i join her and her boyfriend for an evening at 54. As mellow as i was, i agreed. We eventually ended up arriving at 54 at about 10:30pm. I was ready to crawl out of the window and dive for the threatening roads, as the two love birds started fighting, creating tension in the air. What a love hate relationnship. After having arrived at 54 and having my friend treaten him numerous times, we became acquinted with the car park as i tried to sway and convince her otherwise.

The tears were dried as i see the couple crossing the road, ennveloped in one another's arms. I managed to meet up with a couple of friends from Splashy. Read back to one of my previous posts- 'Why am i so fussy'. I spoke a little about a friend of mine. Anyway, he was there and i was introduced to a couple of his friends. Ok so many of you may or may not know that i'm speaking about a guy by the name of Troy. Anyway, let me firstly add something which i found rather disturbing. Don't worry, i'l get over it but at this point in time, im just trying to express my feelings here. I was rudely approached by the bouncer at the door. As i was walking through the doors and reaching for my wallet in my bag, the bouncer requested that he see my stamp. So clearly i had accidentally walked through the wrong side of the entrance. After having explained to him that i was prepared to pay, he was making out as though i was some sort of liar, and that i was trying to duck or something. Being rather defensive, i had shown him the wallet i had in my hand. Having glared at me for a couple of seconds, he then requested that he see my I.D. Obviously i no problem showing him. What made me want to strangle him anymore was that he glared at my drivers licence and back at me, with this look as though it wasn't me! i actually even laughed at him cause i really couldnn't believe it! H looked at the licence and back at me like three times! Now i have no problem them asking for I.D. etc but you don't have to firstly accuse me of being a liar and still treat you with such disrespect. How come you go to like Casablanca, Joe's etc annd they treat you with such respect and they're really awesome. I still remember the Tiger bouncers were so friendly and respectful! You come to 54 and they have this 'im a bouncer-beware' impression. Whatever! I'm over it now! Get a real job.... ok i'm sorry.. that was mean.

Moving along. Saterday ended up to be a rather short, yet enjoyable evening. I managed to get a photo with Lauren taken (yeh... show me sexy.. show me sexy)...sorry, however i don't know whether or not im prepared to post it yet. Let's just say it's not a true reflection of my beauty.. kiddin:) But seriousy.. aint gonna post that one.

So i stumbled into the house at about 12:15 (from tiredness, not booze) and managed to catch a couple hours sleep before the sun welcomed me with a beautiful day.. (how lame)
We had promised Troy and Daniel that we would watch rugby in Queensburough, as Troy played. So we graced them all with our presence and cheered on the sideline... ok so most of it was really just chatting but we cheered for them at half time. Does that count?
We ended up going to Daniel's place for a braai afterwards. We just chilled, listened to music and watched a dvd. We left fairly late (or early) as we realised it was like already 2:30am. I ended up just staying over at Roxy's house that evening. Having not eaten the whole day, it was goood to have a little something small to eat, befoore crawling into the bed and falling asleep.

Im just in a really difficult situation i really dont want to be in. It's a long complicated situation but lets say that i'm a bit hesitant seeing these friends of ours from splashy because one of their ex's is actually one of my friends and under no circumstances do i want it to look as though im disrespecting my friend whatsoever. If it'l make you understand a little more, go read the comments on my previous post. I have nothing to do with that specific issue, as it wasn't Troy's ex, but Daniel's. It just has an impact on me being able to see Troy though. It would be a real bummer if i couln't see him, cause we have so much fun together and we really do get on well, but if it means upsetting this friend, i may have to think twice about it. I mean, she's not a close close friend of mine, but it would still make me feel really bad. You could say that it has nothing to do with Troy and i, but it still puts me in an awkward situation, with the other two. Anyway, i'm sorry it's very vague and i hope you managed to make sense of all that. I didn't want my whole post to be about that because that would bore you way too much and it's really something that i gootta try figure out and don't want to sound like a morbid drip whatsoever. Im sure many of you reading may know the situation anyway. Whatever.. over it:)

On a lighter note, i'm proud to say that i only have 2days of varsity next week! That's right!
Friday is a public holiday (for those of you who didnt know) and Tuesday is also a public holiday. we then manged to twist a couple of the lecturers arms to give us monday off to. And now friday's lectures have fallen away cause we finished with the lectures for that particular module. Moo haha is all i have to say and sorry for all you!

Anyway.. that is news in my life. Well not all of it, but enough you have to know;)
I'm sorry if this post was a bit of a dampner but as i say.. just get over it!
cheers for now!


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