G'day my friendly bloggers*
Sorry it's been a while. Actually it hasn't been too long i guess?
Well, i knew it had to happen sooner or later! I'm sick!
Now i'm not usually the one to spring outta my bed and race to the doctor the moment i feel a little tingle in the throat or a little faint. I usually just carry it over my head. My varsity, however requested a doctors certificate, if any lectures should be missed.
Now i'm not usually the one to spring outta my bed and race to the doctor the moment i feel a little tingle in the throat or a little faint. I usually just carry it over my head. My varsity, however requested a doctors certificate, if any lectures should be missed.
So last night, in the state i was in and not being able to get outta bed this morning, a visited to the doctor was intended and a doctors certificate issued. It has been suggested i stay the rest of the week off but i know my lecturers will have a fit. Sick or not.. you have to be there.
So the start of the year has turned out to be, let's just say... a little stressful and much is expected of us. Now i know i might blab a little in this blog but i'm just gonna let you in on a little of what our coarse is about, as many of you are unfamiliar with what the coarse entails and what an audiologist does.
One of the modules, otherwise known as 'Rehabilitation Technology' has become of much interest to me. This is the exciting, yet excellence- demanding part of of being an audiologist.
Part of this module requires us understanding the differnt types of hearing aids and how they function, as well as any other forms of hearing devices. This requires us having to identfy the structure of a clients ear and fit a hearing mould accordingly. Now many of you may know that 'putty-like' paste the dentist uses to mould your teeth, jaw etc.It's like that. It's taking a mould of the client's internal ear structure. Why i say it demands excellence and skill is because we as audiology students are suppose to mould this 'putty' as close to the tympanic membrane (eardrum) as possible, without rupturing or damaging the eardrum. This year, we have to do it on each other. This enables us to understand what it's like being in the client's position.
Now, hearing aids you must understand cost an arm and a leg! Our varsit usually sell standard hearing aids from about R2500. Thats just for one hearing aid though i.e. one ear.
However, to blow you off your seats, hearing aids can be as expensive as R40 000 for just one hearing aid! That's it! R40 000 for one ear! And medical aid obviously doesn't always cover it.
Well that obviously serves as a benfit to the audios out there.
Moving on. Yesterday i had speech clinic and met my client for the first time. He's so sweet and he laughs at me all the time. Ok so i know that happens with most people and it's nothing new:)
But ya othr than that, varsity's been very busy at the moment. Tomorrow i've got the audio clinic and probably gettin a client there too. Last year we had adult clients to test etc, but this year it's paediatrics which will be pretty exciting. Now you probably wondering why adults before kids? Well actually, testing a child's hearing is more challenging and requires more skill than the adults. Later on we will be doing electrophysiology on the adults though, which requires us to record and monitor the brainwaves in relation to the persons ability to hear a sound etc.
Moving on from that blab... How's everybody's valentines? Would be great to hear what all of you did this year, if anything! Anyway, valentines, as i said is spent lying in bed, sick:( Besides, i got no valentines this year (not that i have a problem with that) Ok ya so i guess it would be nice to go out to dinner or do summin, but maybe next year hey. My parents are going out to dinner as well as Carla and my bro. So i'm at home alone:)
Anyway, why do so many people despise valentines? I mean it's really not that much of a deal! For all those single people out there complaining of not having a valentine, it really aint such a big deal! I'm single and i'm fine with it! look i'm not saying that i love ivalentines, but it's just one of those days that has never really crossed my mind. I think it's pretty cute with all the gifts etc. And why do guys feel so pressurized into buying things or taking their girlfriends out? Trust me, the girls really don't give what restaurant you take them to or whether you buy them a single rose or the whole florist! It's the whole concept of the day. And don't use that excuse that 'everyday should be valentines day and we don't need one day to express our love'.
Well, history shows that Valentines day originated in 270AD, where the Roman men were required to be recruited as soldiors. The Roman Empire, Claudius felt that tthe men would not make good soldiors as they were too emotionally attached to their families. He therefore banned marriage. The bishop, Valentine, was aware of the heartache these men had to go through and met up with them to join them in a sacrament of matrimony.The emperor, impressed with the young priest's dignity and conviction, attempted to convert him to the roman gods, to save him from certain execution. Valentine refused to recognize Roman Gods and even attempted to convert the emperor, knowing the consequences fully. He wass then executed on February 24, 270.
The phrase 'From your Valentine' actually comes from when Valentine was in jail. His jailor Asterius had a daughter of whom was blind and Asterius requested that Valentine heal her. Her sight was restored and just before Valentine was executed, he asked for a piece of paper and wrote a fairwell masseage to her saying "From your Valentine". THat was just a little bit of history insight for you guys. Unlike many people, i quite enjoy history.
Anyway, next weekend i've been asked to sell hamburgers at the Grand Prix which will be awesome! Ther's just two of us doing it i think and we getting paid for it. The pay is fair, but it should be loads of fun anyway. I'm not even worried about that!
Other than that guys, i think i'm gonna say fairwell for now. i'l try my best to fit another blog in a little later this evening but i'm sure i've kept you reading for long enough!
Take care my fellowed friends!
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