Ok i apologise to all those males out there who had to open my blog and be enlightened by pictures of really good looking models for Dolce and Gabbana!Actually, this is Dolce and Gabbana's new model. Secondly i would like to thank Carla and apologise if i have taken her limelight, as she was the one that sent these to me.Now i'm not into a guy with hectic, overbulging muscles, but this is guy isn't bad at all!
Anyway, to save the males, i thought i would keep that part of the blog and enlighten you with my day. Headed off to varsity today and was actually pretty buggard this morning! Had to roll out of bed and actually get my act into gear. What we assumed to be a fair, short day, actually turned out to be a longer day than expected, which left us feeling exhausted and flabagasted. Now i know, Brett's going to have his little say and leave a comment regarding how short a varsity day is in comparison to all those working. But it really can be stressfull being a student at times! And it looks like it's going to be a heavy year ahead of us.
Ok, moving along... A flat tyre!
That's it! On the way through Waterfall, my car's wheel gave in. Luckily Lauren and i were close enough to a garage to have it changed, otherwise the two of us would look like idiots standing at the side of the road! Between the two of us, we've always experienced car problems either to or from varsity! Murphy's law, it always happens on a test date, before clinic or before presentations. One of the lecturers still holds it against us to this day that we were late for a test, because we broke down on the way to varsity, in our first year!
Anyway, i've always wanted to change a tyre but today i was a little reluctant to change it, considering i had four guys changing it for me. Why four guys??? Doesn't it only require one guy? I always thought changing a tyre was an easier thing but obviously not?
After arriving home, i just wanted to crash! Made myself a cuppa tea and a toasted feta sandwhich (which is weighless may i add) and parked off in front of the t.v. until i was finished. I crashed on my bed and what was only suppose to be an afternoon nap ended up to be a two hour sleep! My intentions were to wake up, and spend an hour getting ready for work. Well, turns out i woke up, having to be at work in 10minutes! I slapped on the makeup, quickly tossed my hair in a birds nest style and climbed into my work clothes!
Was so bumbed! my options for this evening were:
A) My schoolfriend's 21st. Theme: Never have i ever worn
B) Rugby at ABSA stadium: Sharks vs Warratahs
C) Work
Well, actually it didn't end up being an option at all cause i had to work... aaaargh!
They wouldn't let me off work! Anyway, didn't sulk about it and made the best of my evening. Was a good evening. I didn't go out or anything afterwards considering i need to catch up on some sleep. I watched the t.v. through the glass window of my work though. A gentleman felt my pain. " I had four tickets to watch the game but my wife and kids wanted to come to Spur", followed by a roll of the eyes. Shame, what a good man!
Well, thats my story for today i guess. My plans for tomorrow?
We, gotta wake up sparrows fart again and take my car in for a service then hit the Pavillion.
Tomorrow night i'm going to Roxy's house for a braai and there's gonna be quite a few people there i think. Shorne is going to be there too. He was the guy i met at work last night, which i mentioned in my previous blog. It will be fun! We might go out afterwards. I don't know where though. Oh and next Saterday, i'm DEFINATELY going to the game again! It's in Durban again at 8:30pm. Gotta be fun!
Will keep you update about life and all!
so lovely reading all your news. Missed you today... busy girl hey. HOpe to hang soon. Love ya. stef
Hey Kle
I am glad that enjoyed the pictures, at least now more people can see them since you posted them on your blog.... Have a good day
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