Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Back to the good ol days...

Ok, so i stumbled across a couple of my very good buddies of mine from school and managed to get a couple of pics froom them. they'l probably kill me if they knew their pics were here but im over it:) i may have mentioned them in my previous posts:

this is Camilla (left) and little Claire(right). Often we were called 'claire-squared'.. im sure you're wise enough to figure out why...

well done Einsteins... claire and Camilla again

From left to right: michelle, Cari and my bestest most sexiest and gorgeous bud- Steph
We all did the whole high school thing together, but there's a whole bunch of girls missin.

from left to right: claire, debs, Lindi and Steph
I still get to see Linds and Steph often but debs is overseas and Claire's studyin at Maritzberg

our good friend Alex (maritzberg), Debs, linds and Claire

Ok so i knoow its not much but il scratch thru my albums and let you in on a little more later on okay? Take care!

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