Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just another day...

Well... i think this is gonna be a short blog as i really am poked and probably gotta long day tomorrow.

Ok so where shall i start off? Ok i didn't end up goin to Casablanca last night (reasons provided in my previous blog) and i was actually really buggard!

Well.. as for today, i woke up roughly 7:30am (thats a real challenge for me considering it's varsity holidays!) I went to Stephs house for coffee until about 11:00.
Before i speak further on that note, i'l just add that i dropped my mom off in Durban for an exam ( i needed the car), came home, made dinner and then chilled at Erin's house and watched The Negotiator. That's to cut my day short.
It seems so little yet i'm so buggard! The driving takes it out of you!

Well, i offered to do dinner tonight and it was kind of a surprise for my parents...aaaahhh...
Anyway, the mains consisted of a Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole, served with rice, butternut, potato and a little side salad with tomato, feta etc.
Desserts were served consisting of a light fluffy chocolate mousse, of which i'm still feeling now, because it was really creamy and rich.
It wasn't suppose to be anything major but i just sort of added the touches here and there and it ended up huge! It was really good though and no one appears to be sick in bed or chucking yet:)

Well, i'l elaborate a little more tomorrow because i think i may have a little time here and there.
I'm having my nails done tomorrow and then working tomorow night, but for now...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Casablanca- To be or not to be...

Well, i'm caught in another frenzy of decisions i have to make again.
Ok actually it's just one choice i have to make.
My friend Teri asked me to join her at Casablanca tonight. I was stoked and amped at first but now i'm slowly having second thoughts.
It's not that i'm not keen but just a bit lets say.. weary.
Smses are as follows:

Teri: Hey kle. Are you keen for Casa tonight? A friend is looking for a date.

My first impression is: 'Cool i'm amped. Havent been there for a while')

My second impression is: 'ok here i am going with her and her boyfriend and his friends' I only really know Teri.Doesn't sound so bad does it? Sounds like bliss actually*

Third impression is: ok so they're a little bit of an older crowd right. Teri being roughly 25 and the guys being roughly in their late 20s, early 30s. Still would be fun to be with a new crowd.'

Fourth impression is: Maybe not.

so here i am sitting and contemplating. My reply is:

Kle: Is he hot? (it was a joke)

Teri: Well, there's two of them. One is blonde and the other is tall and dark. For a vibe...

So i was like hhmm... truth was that i actually wasn't going for them at all. I just wanted to suss out what crowd was going and whether i would actually get on with these guys or whether they would simply get there, get pissed out of there minds, start grabbing your ass like it's a free for all and offering to buy you a drink just to see you get pissed enough to be with them in the subconscious state. And may i mention that the smell of stale, alcohol breath is the least bit attractive, especially when clouds of smoke are blown in your face at the same time!

I'm not generalizing at all. I just heard through Teri the sort of things her boyfriends friends get up to. I'm totally in for an evening of fun and as pissed as they may be, i'm sure i'l get on with them more, but i don't really want to go tonight with any expectations of being with somebody just for the sake of it. I would prefer to go with the crowd, have a couple of drinks and have a jol. I'm not jus going to be another name on a list or just another girl in a club. That doesn't mean i'm going to blow tonight off though. I'l give it some thinking:) I'm actually getting pretty mellow as we speak. Besides, Teri and i are VERY different shall we say:) We get on so well yet we are two totally differnt people. Lets say... she's not very shy when it comes to guys. Don't get me wrong. That's not the reason why i'm having second thoughts about tonight.
I think i'm gonna stick to my last impression.... Maybe not

Anyway, let me know what you males and all my male friends out there have to say. Hope i haven't blown things out of preportion. Maybe these guys tonight aren't the sort of guys i'm assuming them to be.
Anyway... will let you know if i end up going or not.
I really am still keen for a good nights jol though;)


Monday, January 29, 2007

Who's up for sushi??

Ok so it was a last minute sort of thing.
Erin phoned me up and wondered if i'd like to join her and the gang for sushi at the Cape Town Fish Market. Me being a sushi fan could not turn down the offer. After having a good workout at gym, i hopped in the car and headed straight to her house, where we would depart for Sun Coast Casino.
After offering to take my car up, parking was not a problem, considering it was a Monday night.
The evening was greatly enjoyed as i had never been to a proper sushi set up with the conveyer belt and all. I had worked at John Dory's before and it was during this time that the waitors and waitresses would gather around and indulge in all the left over sushi which was already made. This was particularly on Monday nights, when the ongoing special was R90 for sushi, eat as much as you want. This was the firts time i had ever tried sushi. Arriving at the sushi bar, my appetite was not calling as much as it was when i left home and so i just sat there admiring how the sushi was made and how they were proudly displayed, each on their own little dish, stimulating the appetite as each passed by. The evening went by rather quickly and now i sit at home in this dreadful Durban heat. Hey... who am i to complain, I love Durban, it's just the humidity that gets a bit out of hand some days. My pool was even too warm to swim in today, as i attempted taking a dunk every 5minutes after tanning. Lets just say, it wasn't very successful.

Other than that, i've been through passing through the area and prowling for some new clothes! I love times like these. I managed to buy three tops today and some accessories to go with it. Tomorrow i'm going back and buying a pair of shoes i saw earlier today (i wasn't too sure on them, but hey they were selling them for a bargain!)

Tomorrow, i have to roll out of bed and register for varsity again (rememeber the course i told you i was doing?) Aaargghh... such a mission but has to be done. Then i gotts take my pooch in to the doggie parlor for a cut and groom:)

Other than that... no news hey! I had a dream about my ex last night.. i woke up and was like ergh! I heard that a dream means something. Even the fact that you dream it, it shows that it's on your mind.
Well, i did say i would add in a little more everytime. What i can tell you is something very odd.
After say September, i hardly heard from my ex at all.. So i was like ok with iyt. It kind of got me over the whole situation. Then in December, he starts smsing again. All friendly and everything as nothing ever happened. He would say stuff like " Hope you not misbehaving without me, alcohol can lead to bad behaviour" blah blah blah. I didn't reply to any of his smses because i felt there was no urgency to and it was better for me not too.Another reason is because i kind of heard thorugh the grapevine that he had a new girlfriend. I wasn't really bumbed about that but it frustrated me more that he still asked me over to his house and made out as tough there was no one etc. It's sounds complicated but you gotta know the whole story. So that's why i'l brush on a little everytime.

Anyway, having not replied to his smses, i et a phone call out the blue and he was like so friendly andsussing out my life etc. So i kinda joked with him and probed him about this whole girlfriend thing, which he denies. I believe him though. Anyway... that was like beginning of Jan and now i haven't heard a peep from him at all! What the hell? Am i analyzing this too much?
Maybe i'm just being stupid, but i think this guy really likes a chase! let me know what you think..
Will spill you on a little more next time!

Gotta sleep now... Got a long day ahead of me!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dreaming with a broken heart...

Well... tonight i made the wrong move by slicing open healing wounds.

I stumbled across a song on my computer which i really love with all my heart, but it continues to bring forth memories of my ex. A time where we both met and where nothing seemed to have gone wrong. It was a time where the goosebumps use to appear on my skin everytime i received an sms from him. It was a stage where we both got together and the song brought such comfort to the relationship. It was like we were floating on cloud nine. I still remember sitting in his car with his cologne subtly filling the air. He would play the cd for me over again and and it appeared that nothing could go wrong. There was such a sense of compassion for one another. I use to play the songs of the cd over again, throughout our relationship.
It use to bring me such comfort.

By playing these songs, it would take me to a place i prefered to be. In his arms. At a dam. Under the stars. Or on the top of a hill, watching the world pass by together. By playing these songs, i experienced a sense of peace.

I carelessy slipped in the wrong cd tonight and over and over again, each song hit me like a knife stabbing through a bleeding heart. Each breath was compensated by a tear. Each tear represented a piece of my heart. Tonight i shed the same tears i once shed when i knew the days were over. I look through the album of memories, displayed on my computer and long to replace these photos with new memories.

I knew it was wrong to look back. Instaed of bringing contentment, i was enveloped by a wave of grief. I know they say time can only tell. And i do believe i am stronger than what i thought. Truth is that sometimes i think it's ok to look back. As tough as it may be, it's good to realise that you can be happy like that again. It's good to realise that you grow up and realise that you're worth a whole lot more and that there really is something better out there for you. It's true when they say that if it doesn't kill you,it only makes you stronger. Whats is sad though is that a lot of my trust was put into this relationship and it's sad to believe that i don't think i'l be able to give the next guy the same amount of trust as what i gave my ex. I guess it makes one more weary of who we can trust and who we can love.

I once began a journal and within this journal, i wrote out a few thoughts of my feelings at the time. I'm going to post a page from what i had written in the journal after the breakup:

Date: 31st August '06

I feel like the pressure inside of me is starting to reach it's limits. The fire deep inside of me just keeps burning and gets hotter and hotter. I can't stop crying. The tears just keep streaming. Happiness and joy become unfamiliar to me and a foreign language. I feel as though i don't know myself anymore. It's as if the whole world were spinning around me. Spinning with joy and happiness, laughing at me while i just stand there in the middle. My prides and joys have been stripped from my bare skin and my happiness sucked out of me, leaving me feeling empty and most of all tired. I wake up every morning with my blanket suffocating me with the thoughts of unworthiness and the feeling of being alone. I feel as though my heart has torn apart and ripped into threads as the world passes before my eyes. How i wish for the pain to stop. I wish it were the end. I wish the unanswered questions that were constantly gnawing at my brain and every inch of my body would just dissipate and let things be. Loneliness has become my new best friend. It sucks out my breath, like a leach pierced within my skin. I'm like a doll. A mask of happiness on the outside but crying in the inside. A sense of emptiness, numbness and coldness overwhelm me. I write and cannot stop writing, but find hinderance in the fact that i can only express myself to a certain degree and then i'm speechless. It's true that words can never express the true heart, but one can break it. Mine was broken and i still hold the shattered pieces in the palm of my hands.

Ok so i'm sorry if that was really dramatic but i really was bumbed at that stage of my life.Don't worry, as suicidal as it sounds i'm not:) I'm very expressive when it comes to my emotions, as i don't express them much verbally. Ok so i guess i'm not feeling the same now as what i was back then. I'm feeling a lot stronger. I actually feel MUCH better after writing this blog!I always made a promise to myself that i would never let a guy affect me so badly that it changes who i am. I failed because at this stage in my life i had come to place i never ever wanted to be and i was there. I've grown now and i'm sticking to that promise now. Never again am i letting a guy affect me to such a degree that i had to rely on him to be happy. I am happy as an individual and don't need to rely on anyone for my happiness.I'm also not as shy when it comes to putting my foot down with the male species:)

Now i know why they say it only makes you stronger. I can never regret what happened either because i am a stronger person today because of it.

Thanks for hearing me out!
Hope it's been a lesson learnt for all of us...
I will touch a little more in my next couple blogs but i am gonna be off now.
Must put my mind to ease*

My love for Gucci

Ah man...
I've always been a Gucci fan and taken to the likings of their quality accessories.
I was so frustrated as a couple of weeks ago, i spotted the most divine Gucci bag. It costed an arm and a leg but just staring at it made me satisfied and content. However, needless to say, i went searching for my friend to provid her with the same tingly feelings i felt just staring at it on the shelf, glowing as it proudly shone through the glass window.

Walking through the glass doors of the store, anticpitating to soon spot the bag i had fallen in love with, a feeling of dissapointment enveloped me. The voices around me, began to feel somewhat further and unreal. It felt like a scene from a movie- the loss of a loved one. My heart skipped a beat and my breath turn to ice as i exhaled. The bag was gone...yes...gone:(
The stand where the bag stood so proudly on it's pulpit was removed.

I then moved on to the next store where i saw an awesome pair of shoes and bought those instead!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

80's here we come...

Arriving home from the berg, i get a number of smses on my phone. One of them being from my brother's girlfriend, Carla requesting that i join them for a pleasant dinner at John Dory's followed by a good night jol at 80's. Rumour was going round that 80's was hitting big and it was the place to be.
As black eyed and bushy tailed as i was from the berg, i'll never turn down an invite to a good night out in Durban. Even with my lack of clothes, i ws bound to make a plan!

The evening started off with dinner. Me being not so hungry had a John House Salad which i truly recommend for one who craves a tangy light meal. It's a salad consisting of lettuce, grilled chicken pieces, slices of avo, egg, bacon and wait for cheese sauce i.e. Roquefort sauce. Ok so blue cheese has more of an aquired taste i guess but i just love it. My brother and Carla both had a steak and Calamari special served with chips and onion rings. Calamari i must say is another favourite of mine but as i say, i don't think i could have managed to force down a whole dish of calamari by myself, that particular evening. My salad was accompanied by a Smirnoff Spin, which appears to have become my all round sort of drink now. I used to hit the Rose wine, but after bad experiences, it has become more of a 'speciality' now. I think it can be one of those drinks that if you drink too much of it, you just get sick of it!
Another favourite of mine is Southerns and Lime on the rocks (single or double, depending my mood:)

Moving on.. intentions were to wait for our friends Daniel and Nina (both work at John Dory's) both of whom were to finish their shifts at 9:00pm. After much waiting around and contemplating, the final decision was to hit BURN. First thing that came to my mind was that drinks were much cheaper than the usual club and i could wear flat shoes:) My brother anticipated that 80's would be too full and we would be better off at BURN. So BURN it was.

Walking in, we realise that it wasn't the place to be. Don't get me wrong... we sat down with a couple of drinks and chilled there for about an hour. My brother managed to squeeze in a couple of headbanging moves downstairs whilst Carla, Daniel and myself chilled on the balcony upstairs. It was a cool vibe but we came up with an even better idea- 54.
Ok so i haven't realy been much of a 54 sort of person but we had a real jol tonight. Well... i did!
It's always so satisfying walking into a club and chatting to a couple of old mates.(now i'm not talking about those old ones who don't actually give about you but just say hi to look good in front of their friends). I'm talking about those good mates that you can have a dance here and there with and just have a jol. The music was good, the vibe was good and the people were good too. I think we must have arrived at 54 at bout 12:00 and departed at about 2:00.
I think it brings back a lot of memories from last year as my friend Lauren and i have real good memories of last year there! We always used to hit the Strawberry Dacquiries! They were so cheap.

Well, after dropping my brother off at Carla's, i drove my dads car home and anticipated just crashing until i walked into my room and realised the state it was in! I had to clear my bed first before i got a good nights sleep. My head hit the pillow at 3:30am.

Well... that was my eventful evening after an eventful day... Sorry to say but there was no potential hey if that's what you're wondering. Maybe next time!
Well... my next destination is the new Joe Kools (that was an option for last night too)
That should be the next best place to be! I don't think it will be so young as Tiger became so there should be good potential there! That should be awesome.
On that note.. There's Lady's evening at 54 on tuesday and i actually think it's going to be big!

Chat later! Now i really need to sleep!

Back to reality...

Hey well i'm back again from the berg! Had an awesome time but feel like i've been hit by a bus! How do i ever wish upon these things? Anyway.. i'm gonna try give you as much interesting news as possible and will try with every intention to avoid any form of bordom.
And on that note, photos were taken so i'l try my best to post them asap.

A couple of us were invited to Erin's time share at the Drakensberg Gardens. The crowd basically consisted of six of us, four guys, two girls. Howard then joined up with us for a couple of days, making it seven. The group consisted of Erin, Clint, Mike, Stefan, Dave, Howard and myself.

Anyway, it all started when my friend Clint picked me up at round 1:00pm. Of course everybody was running late- whats new? After having packed the trailer, we departed Erin's house at roughly 2:00pm. As we were bobbing to the beats of the music and clicking our fingers to the tunes, we were distacted by a desperated cry for help. Within the first 10minutes drive, Clint realised he had carelessy left his phone in his car...aaaargh the frustaration to turn around and fetch it! But we did that and departed for the second time round.
Now, i can say that i never succeed sleeping in a car or even have the ability to get comfortable. It was innate in the others that they had this ability to simply pass out and kick off the journey in a deep coma. Thinking of it, i haven't had much sucess lately when it comes to putting my head on the pillow. Anyway, it did me good to take some time off and ponder a little about life as i stared through the glistening car windows.

Arriving at the Drakensberg Gardens at roughly 5:00pm, we were all poked with the travelling. The trip appeared to be a lot longer, considering we missed the turnoff.
After making a simple dinner consisting of boerewors rolls, the evening proceeded with a few games of poker and a couple of the guys strumming on their guitars. Poker became an addiction to me this week. Never had i fully understood the game of poker or the rules involved.
After consuming a fair amount of wine, we found the evening to be a pleasant one of laughing and just 'screwing around'. We were disturbed by a knock at the front door at about 2:00am. There was a request by our neighbor to 'keep the noise down'. Well, we kind of brushed it off and tried our best to keep the volume levels to a minimum... well.. we said we would try our BEST. Anyway, the folowing night, we simply took the noise outside, to the otherside of the dam where we could be heard but not seen. It was like walking blindly. It was pitch black that nothing could be seen. Of course the guys did a good job at scaring Erin and myself a couple of times. Anyway, we were greeted by a security guard just 'passing through' at like 1:00 in the morning.

The rest of the holiday consisted of a numerous amount of games of squash, tennis, pool, table tennis, and as i mentioned previously-poker. I was rather disgusted when one of the staff members at reception accused me of being a liar! What the hell! We were keen to see what the game of bowls consisted of (as boring as it looks). Clint, Stefan and myself took the dive and tried a game. Only after returning the balls back at the reception, we were asked to pay R45- Ok seriously, why hadn't he told me before the frikin game and why so much? It wasn't even like it was a deposit. So he basically claimed that he told me that there was a charge and how much. So was like 'seriously bru, we not trying to get a free game outta you but we seriously didnt know and why the hell didnt you tell us?' So he was like 'oh ok, ya.. i didn't tell you' all sarcastically! aaaarrgghhh.... It's probably cause he saw a whole bunch of youngsters. He would never have used the same tone of voice with a more 'authoritive position' shall i say.
So Clint asked to speak to the manager and she was concentrating more on her frikkin smoke than doing anything about it. She then got all cocky with us and ended the conversation with "I'l let it slide ut it'l never happen again" I wanted to take every one of those balls and shove it up her ass!

On a lighter note, we spent a fair amount of time at the river.. Was awesome. Will post those photos too! We even went on a little raft on the dam which was pretty cool and mellow too!

It's so strange how we become so oblivious to other parts of the world, when we so stuckin our own worlds of working and the hustle and bustle of the people everywhere. When you're in the berg, it's like a form of escape! It's awesome! It's like you're on a natural high!

Anyway.. On the way back, we vivsted a cheesary in Underberg. Was awesome there as she allowed us to try the differnt types of cheeses etc.

Well...i'm pretty much over this blog and i'm sure you are too!
I'l spill you in on a little here and there as to what i can remember of the berg but right now my energy levels are so so so low!

Will keep you updated and thanks for lending me your ears!
Sweet dreams!

PS- forgive me if my grammar or spelling is poor! I think a lot at night, but my grammar and spelling can't seem to keep up with my thinking process! Get the idea?

Friday, January 19, 2007


I really am sorry about the poor grammar and spelling in my previous blog. Was just in such a rush! Thanks for your patience* BYE*

A complete waste of time...

Anyway, i'm just gona start off with a little bitching session then i'l procede with my blog.
Firstly i ended up at work last night and they were giving me crap about going away this week, with the reason being that it was simply the 'wrong time' and there was no one that could replace me. I originally made plans to go away and even confirmed it with one of the manangers. I warned them on MONDAY that i had intentions going away and they made it all out to be perfectly fine. So last night they said i couldn't go away unless i found someone. Aaargh.. ok i know thats how it generally works with most restaurants but wait for it... I phoned up another girl (the other hostess) pleading her to work for me. Turns out she could work two out of the three shifts but couldn't work tonight. So i thought this was a bit of a head start. Turns out i was wrong. The Duzi race is on today and there are expectations of the restaurant being extremely busy, soi they needed me to que. So basically it was one nights work for a whole frikkin weeks holiday! Anyway, i desperatley grabbed one of the waitresses of whom i thought was competent enough and told the managers that this girl will be working for me. I know they probably aren't really happy with me but come on!

So that's it, i'm off to the berg in about half an hour and i really am looking forward to it. I managed to squeeze in a quick session of gym this morning, so i at least don't feel as guilty.
I'm just a bit tired though as i couldn't sleep last night.

I was awake until like 2am again, stairing at my ceiling.. Why? My wall had become like a feeding field of four lizzards.I usually don't have a problem with lizzards. It's those other creeping, crawling, flying things that annoy me. There is nothin as annoying as here a flapping beetle, continously knocking itslef against your ceiling the whole night. It suddenly stops. You hope slowly start dozing until it soars down, landing on your nose, sending those itching sensations right across your face.. I wanted to scream. So i lay there, watching these four lizzards pick up one bug after the other, until two of them turn against each other and start fighting over their prey... aaargh... disgusting! I was praying one of those wouldn't land on me!

Anyway... gonna run. Wouldnt wanna be late now.
I will definatley keep you updated!

Mwah *

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A short note..

I have intentions keeping this blog short but who knows!

Anyway, i just finished cooking supper. No i don't cook often but tonight was just one of those nights i had to do it. Then a little later on i have to go to work. Work? Oh i forgot to tell you that i work as a hostess/que lady at a restaurant about three times a week. The hours aren't that bad and the pay is fair i guess. I think if i had to work more often, it would pay off as a good job, considering i get paid for just standing at the door and smiling. Obviously if the restaurant gets busy then i'm the one to seat the people and hand them over to the waitors and waitresses, where i can say, "here.. you deal with their shit". Oh and of coarse im not gonna tell you which restaurant.

Besides that i'm off to a braai after work. Two actually. I told both that i'd try make an appearance at both. The one braai will consist of old school mates of mine, through matric. Well some of them at least. Others may just be a 'friend' because they're part of the group and is actually a friend with somebody else in the group. Get the idea? I'm sure you do.
Anyway, i'm sure it's going to be good, considering i havent seen some of them in a while. To be honest with you, there are one or two that i'm praying won't be there. They always seem to be so fake and i really don't have time for that. Moving on...

A couple of us are organising a 21st birthday but as a surprise. Her parents don't really have much money to have a huge party so a couple of us are trying to organise. Well, im just helping out a little bit where i can. The theme everyone has agreed on is 'You'l never see me wearing that again!' Well... cant remember the exact phrase but its along those lines. At least you get to use your imagination;)

Tomorrow i'm leaving to spend a week in the berg which will hopefully be awesome and not an anticlimax. We're coming back next friday. I'm going with a couple of friends of mine. It'l really be great going away cause i haven't been away in ages. That means.. i'm going to be a little bit delayed with my blogs obviously. But i'l keep you updated when i get back.

Anyway.. that's it fot now but il try my best to let you know how the braai goes or try write again a little later...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Frikkin blog!...

Aaargh... oh my it must have taken me like half an hour to log onto my sight!
No.. i didn't forget my password!

Anyway... now that i've just about torn away half my french gel overlays, i'm going to begin this blog by telling you how my day was. May i just add that gel overlays become rather expensive if you consider having them done religiously. It appears to be such a luxury when the first appointment is booked, but once the cash starts running low, a plan B is essentail! For me this would simply mean slapping on that dark nailpolish. So if you see me wearing that dark nailpolish.. you know! Well, i've been having my nails done for about a year now. That means, my overal expenses on nails for a year would have been roughly R1600. Thats if i go once a month, but there have been occasions where i would have to go every third week, as my nails simply couldn't cope a whole month in my stressful environments and conditions e.g. exam times or breaking up with an ex!

Ya ok ...about my day.. Well it was a really mellow day and i seemed to enjoy just loathing on the couch, watching one or two movies, with a mug of 'weighless hot chocolate lite' in my hand. I must say i rarely watch t.v. so this became a luxury to me. I began a somewhat beautiful rainy day by watching a documentary on the 9/11 with George W.Bush. I was rather amused listening to George W.Bush preach those wise words of wisdom..."fool me once, shame on...uh..umm"(silence) I must say i had a good chuckle!
Moving on.. i watched a movie today of these three friends, hitting the road with the intentions of going on a road trip. What was intended to be a group of friends just having fun, lead to be a disaster. The movie takes one through the journey of love, betrayel, drugs and even death. I'm not going to tell you the whole story but i do recommend it. (i did however miss the first 10minutes) I think the movie is called 'Simple Plans' but i'l keep you updated about that and will confirm.
With much motivation required, i found myself sitting in the Wednesday night spinning class. Im still pretty stiff from taibo last night so i had to cringe and moan a couple of times. Then i pretty much spent the night in. It was a real mellow, lazy day but what the hell.. i am on holiday:)

I then received a couple of smses from my friend i haven't seen in a while. Actually, he's pretty much my 'flirting buddy':) Ever had one of those? You can say anything and everything and you know it wont jeopordize your friendship in any way.(ok so there are limits, but work with me on this one) Ok so there is some form of attraction but i think you have to discipline yourself every once in a while. I mean, i've known this guy for nearly 5years now, but i think i've seen him like twice a year. Everytime we get together, it's like we have the best times together and it's like we know each other backwards...oh my GOSH! That sounds so cliche...sorry! Anyway.. chatted to him a little tonight and we keen to see each other again (although, we always say that)!Will keep you updated bout that. Anyway, he is pretty cute:)

Well.. im gonna leave it there for now. You see.. i only got to bed at frikkin 4am and i have no idea why?!?! So annoying! It's not like i woke up spontaneously! I actually lay there stairing at my ceiling. So now i'm going to go annd crawl into bed (after another cup of that 'weighless hot chocolate lite')
Hey, i think i'm getting the hang of this now.. Just hope i didnt bore you too much?!
If i did then i'm sorry.... but then why read the frikkin blog? I mean you got this far didnt you? No seriously, thanks man!

Sweet dreams*

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It has to start somewhere...

So here i am writing my very first blog. I know the first blog should actually consist of an introductory paragraph or self evaluation of 'who i am' but firstly that would bore everybody that happened to so accidently stumble across my site, secondly i really dont think i know myself well enough to provide you with a self evaluation and thirdly i really don't have the effort or motivation to write one out:) I guess you'l get to learn more about me through the next couple of blogs! Yay.. how exciting!

I can start off by saying that i'm 20years old (turning 21 this year). I really dont know why i always add that last bit when people ask me. I guess it's suppose to make me feel older:) I don't know why because the older you get, the more you wished you were younger. Anyway... sorry, going off the topic! I'l add a little picture or something to this site, so i don't have to create any false images of me in your head. (My name's Claire by the way)

I'm at UKZN varsity studying Bachelor of Communication Pathology- Audiology.(huh???- ok i get that response often so for those of you who don't know what that entails, it's basically a degree in health science. It consists of speech therapy, sign language, installing hearing aids, detecting any hearing losses or even any physiological abnormalities regarding the hearing mechanism.....Ok im sorry... That sounds really boring and you probably going blah blah blah... so onto the next thing! Oh sorry, along that note, may i just add that we actually get to go into surgery and work with a neurologist on the brain. Thats cool i think... Moving on...

I stay at home with my parents and my brother. My brother's the one that actually mentioned this whole blogging idea to me cause he has a site himself.....yes ok his site is .Along that line, i have to mention that my friend Kev also needs a little bit of credit, seeing as he was the one that nudged me that little bit further to starting up this site. So check his site out too at .Wow, they must be really special cause their sites get mentioned on my FIRST blog! Ok who am i kidding.. you probably came across their blogs before! Off the topic again..

Ok so i'l touch on a couple of my interests but i promise i won't get carried away!
I love fashion, designers, jewellery,makeup and shoes. My finger is constantly hitting the fashion channel, as i reach for the remote. I'm intrigued with not only the close but the finest details including makeup artists and hair designers. This became a career choice i had to make, after leaving matric. After much contemplation i came to the conclusion that audiology was going to be it and that i'l follow that path,once i have the degree behind me. It was the safer option, as the fashion industry demands excellence. On that note.. i'm going to take a little time off to travel after my degree. Or even a holiday around Europe or something. Cool hey!What's even more exciting is that i've never been overseas before or even on a PLANe! (aaagh shame...let me hear it) So thats going to be exciting cause i wouldnt even know where to begin or even what to do!

On the minor scales, i enjoy exercise. This may consist of a high sweat spinning or taibo class, concluding the evening with a few light weights. This is often recommended by those personal trainers that promise 'those great abbs and beautiful tone you've always wanted'.
I must say that i do try, but not all of us can pull off the same sexy body Jessica Alba carries around everywhere! And i LOVE surfing, even though i can't surf to save my life:( I guess it's just the frolicking in the waves that keeps me going back:)

I'm gonna leave it there for now i guess. Wouldn't want to bore you (i'm even boring myself here! It feels like i'm in primary school, writing an essay for my teacher here!)
I'm going to keep you updated with my life and let you into a little more of who i am very soon ok?! So just keep reading my blog site! (oh wait... i don't have any readers

Anyway.. gonna go sleep now!
Night Night*